Customer service Size guide
We strive to make your choice as easy as possible. There are so many choices to make when it comes to bed linen. International sizing and extra length mean that there is no longer a “one size fits all”. When you order at Geismars, you order duvet covers and pillow casings separately to let you combine the perfect bedding for your preferences. Should you need a different size or shape, we are happy to take your order. Simply contact us at or call us on +45 33 33 08 30. BED LINENCotton shrinks differently when it comes to length and width of the fabric. To avoid shrinkage and size issues over time, we have included measurements for shrinkage in every product. You therefore have to wash your bed linen before using it the very first time. After 2-3 washes, your bed linen will find its final size. DUVET COVERSGeismars duvet covers have as per standard 4 sizes: Single duvet 140 x 200 cm Single duvet with extra length 140 x 220 cm Double duvet 200 x 220 cm Double duvet with extra width 240 x 220 cm   PILLOW CASINGSGeismars pillow casings have as per standard 2 sizes:
Square (standardized Danish size) 63 x 60 cm Rectangular (international size) 70 x 50 cm
 CHILDRENGeismars bed linen for children follow Danish standard sizing.
Duvet cover baby 70 x 100 cm Duvet cover junior 100 x 140 cm Pillow casing baby and junior 45 x 40 cm INTERNATIONAL SIZESApart from the Danish standard sizing, we also make bed linen in international sizes such as Swedish, German, American, British and Australian sizing. Please contact us for more information on HOMEWEARHomewear is meant to feel as great as the soft linen, you sleep in. That is why we at Geismars also make comfortable nightwear, loungewear and boxers in the same quality fabrics as your bed linen. Here is how we recommend you choose your homewear from our collections: - Choose your size based on your day to day clothing size.
- Always go for the larger size. Tight clothing is not comfortable to sleep in.
- Night shirts are unisex – but choose your everyday size for the best fit.
- Children sizes are guiding and based on age.